Walt Disney Animation Studios’ epic animated musical “Moana 2” reunites Moana (voice of Auli‘i Cravalho) and Maui (voice of Dwayne Johnson) three years later for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she’s ever faced.
From the cosy Backlot Cafe to the exotic flavours of Azul Lounge, our range of dining options complements your movie experience perfectly. Discover Italian delights at Graffiti Pizzeria x Trattoria in AlQana - or enjoy our classic cinema snacks.
Ready to taste the excitement?
Immerse yourself in the only IMAX experience in Sharjah, enjoy our exclusive VIP treatment at every location, or escape into the world of foreign and independent films at our Arthouse theatre in AlQana. Every venue offers unique experiences, from our large screen format theatres to private cinemas for special events.
Elevate your movie-going experience today.